Thursday, April 9, 2020

Plastic Bag Poetry Part 1

   Plastic Bag Poem   
by Julie Calhoun

We need to ban these plastic bags
Please pass a bill to hinder harmful environmental pollution
So future generations will honor,  they’re lining our highways, roads, and hard to believe.
Instead of leaves blooming on high,
The colors will surprise you
And you might say “Oh My!”

And not just the trees
That house this new feature,
But the bushes and shrubs trapping God’s creatures.

Waving and trapped
On their branches attached,
Colors of opaque blues, tans and white bags.

The farmers new bumper crop of shredded polyurethane
That shines daily on the city landscape’s wide plain.

How can I change this view?
Personally pick up is what I normally do.
Write letters and voice opinions until I turn blue?
Spread information to others with no clue?

The high winds make it worse
They scatter them EVERYWHERE
Causing me to curse!

So..Until that ban is passed  
Here’s what you can do.
Think conscientiously 
And stick it like glue.

Hoosiers can help by bringing their own
       Recyclable bags to carry their scones.

It takes patience and practice 
To remember those bags
Like tying your shoes
And zigging your zag!

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