Thursday, April 9, 2020

Plastic Bag Poetry Part 2

  Plastic Bag Poem 
Part 2
by Julie Calhoun

March 15 was my last working day
At German with Tisa, Latoya, and Ross I may say.

I  took my blue gloves just in case
But no one donned masks then
So I felt out of place.

What happened next 
Is the world closed down
To workers spread wide 
And even the clowns.

A new invisible agent
That no one can see
Wreaking havoc on lungs
To young, middle, and elderly.

 It’s name is Covid 19 or coronavirus 
Gliding on airways and surfaces
That are porous.

Here’s where the bags come in
I hate to admit
The same ones I resisted 
Are now legit.

At Fresh Thyme reusable bags are banned
To hinder bad Covid germs
Perhaps from home cans.

A man entered this store 
With  Fresh Thyme bags in hand
The manager sternly said,
“Those kind have been banned!”

I felt like the joke was on me!
I couldn’t hardly believe...

Now I choose polyurethane when I pluck
A vessel to carry groceries.
Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

So, being safe at home with my family nearby,
Catching up with chores, working from home, exercising,
At any time on the fly.

Contacting my senators about bag laws has halted
But we can all keep clean our areas which should be exalted.

One day we’ll return to normal routines
Of play, social interactions and our work teams.

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